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8 tips to dress with a shaved/bald head *2024 feminine looks!*

8 tips to dress with a shaved/bald head *2024 feminine looks!*

Wondering how to dress with short shaved hair or a bald head without sacrificing your femininity?

You’ve come to the right place, my dear.

Let’s be real, the transition from long hair to a shaved head is no easy feat.

I mean, of course, this journey can be tough.

You get attention and when you look in the mirror, you suddenly wonder what will you ever look like as a man.

how to dress bald head
Source: Pinterest

You open your wardrobe and your figure can you still wear these cute little black dresses?

Insecurities and worries can be really overwhelming. I get it.

While it’s true that long hair is a symbol of femininity, let’s not forget hair is just one of the many ways to express our womanly qualities!

So ladies, here are 8 tips on how to dress with a shaved or bald head and still maintain feminine energy!



As the saying goes “A little lipstick never hurts”.

Makeup can always brighten up our mood and make us feel more confident.

For shaved head ladies, putting on some makeup is always flattering!

how to look feminine bald head women
Source: Shop zeal NYC

When we don’t have any hair, people’s attention just naturally draws more to our face so make-up can really help.

Here are some things you can do to accentuate your facial features a little bit more and get a feminine touch-up!

  • Trim your eyebrows regularly and do your eyebrows with a slightly arched shape
  • Apply eyeshadow, eyeliners and don’t forget to curl your eyelashes 
  • Apply bright (e.g. carol instead of nude) lipstick to draw people’s attention to your face

Above are just some basic tips but you get my meaning – be bold and play with your makeup!

With a bald or shaved head, your face is the perfect canvas and it can draw all the attention.

Don’t waste your canvas and feel free to accentuate your feminine features.

HOW TO DRESS shaved bald head
Source: Pinterest

I once met a shaved head lady and I was shocked at how feminine she looked with her curly eyelashes and winked innocent eyes!

If you want to know deeply about looking feminine in your facial features, feel free to read this article!

No joke, it’s such a popular read of all time.

This explains why makeup will make us look prettier and you will be surprised by all the tips and tricks!

2. How to look good as a bald female? Statement earrings

Ladies, if you have a shaved or bald head, this is definitely the best time to wear your earrings!

Most of the time, with hair, our earrings just won’t stand out.

However, with the shaved head, earrings can again add some colors and balance our whole look with a sense of elegance.

But if you want to add a sense of feminine energy, the hoop earrings and the one-line drop earrings always look so classy!

If you have a chubby face, straight-line earrings can elongate your face a bit more and make your face appear longer and smaller by proportion.

earrings for bald or short shaved women

If you want a pair of long, dainty earrings that give out elegant vibes without trying too hard, this pair is the one.

It took me a while to find out this high quality on this budget, hope you love it!

Seriously, I think long earrings look much better than studded earrings for bald-headed ladies.

The long earrings just elongate your neck and also make your head appear to be smaller by comparison – just flattering.


This tip is not from me but from my friend who shaved her head a few years ago.

She shared with me that wearing glasses can be a great hack when you just don’t want to put up on lazy days.

feminine shaved head in glasses
Source: Pinterest

It can feel a bit exposed when you don’t have hair and makeup on your face, so wearing glasses is always a little tool to give you some security especially when you first shave your head.

Plus, glasses can be a fashion statement piece on your face and they can draw people’s attention from your forehead to your face!

This is so random… BUT

hey ladies, why not quickly do an affirmation and feel instantly better?

This new year, I’m trying not only to share fashion tips but come up with ways to instill body positivity in all women who are reading my articles – aka YOU!

Instead of just reading it, say it loud or murmur the quotes (if you are in public) to maximize the effect.

Ready? Here we go.

I love my body. She is my forever home and sanctuary.

Sassy isn’t a shape, it’s an attitude.

Work out because I love my body – not because I hate it.

I can love myself and change my body at the same time. No guilt about that.

It is completely normal to have tummy rolls. I come to realize that social media isn’t showing the reality… at all.

My happiest moments in life had nothing to do with the way my body looked.

I don’t have to be pretty like her, I can be pretty like …ME.

I AM perfect imperfection.

What are your thoughts on that? I hope that makes you feel better (as you deserved).

Please help me pass the body positivity message in your community. #womenhelpwomen

Alright, now keep on reading!


If you have a shaved head but you don’t have head wraps, you are missing out!

You can always tie a silk scarf to create a little ribbon for a cute girly look or wear a bandana for a chic summery look.

Source: Pinterest

Many shaved-head ladies treat headwraps as the replacement of hair and I can see why.

With the headwraps, you can many countless styles and you will be surprised how many creative ideas you can find on YouTube!

how to accessorize a bald head

Finding the right head wrap is not easy at all… Believe it or not, it takes me half an hour to find this gem.

This is not a fancy patterned head wrap but this is the one you will use every day at home because it’s really comfy, simple, and chic.

Review from Shantay S. :

This product was EXACTLY what I had been searching for!

It is very soft to the touch and versatile. It is great if you’re looking for something that can be used for many styles such as a head wrap, turban, hijab, scarf, etc.

I will definitely purchase more in different colors.”


Wearing hats has a practical purpose when you now don’t have much hair coverage!

During summertime, a hat can make sure you don’t get sunburnt easily.

For bald ladies, always make sure you apply enough sunscreen for your head as well!

For the wintertime, a nice wool beanie can always keep you warm.

To all shaved-head ladies, it’s time for you to explore more different types of hats as I am sure you will look great in them!

In summer, a Panama hat during summer is always flattering.

And when the days are chilling out, a knitted visor cap is sure to boost the aesthetic of your outfit tenfold.

I also love feminine this cap look, obsessed.


Instead of wearing clothes in dark colors like black, blue, and brown, let’s embrace light pastel colors.

Think lavender, baby blue, light pink, and more!

bald head women outfit ideas
Source: Pinterest

These hues can certainly bring you a softer, more feminine outlook.

Added to this, low saturation earth tone color can be really flattering as well, colors like beige, creamy white, and khaki are all classy and elegant to wear.

If you are not ready to wear light colors all the time, you can always pair your white jeans with a dark blue top for the transition.

You will be surprised how feminine and refreshing you feel and look when you add some bright colors to your outfit!

Here are some reads if you are interested in jeans styling, I covered all the worries when it comes to white jeans!


While it’s true that the shaved head adds a certain level of masculinity to your outlook the good news is your clothes can always effortlessly balance it out by adding some womanly features to your curves.

how to style a shaved head woman
Source: 1,2

Here are some easy ways to accentuate your curves:

  • Always wear a belt to cinch your waist
  • Wear a high-waisted dress and trousers
  • Wear HEATTECH or another thermal garment during wintertime so you don’t have to wear a baggy big coat 
  • Wear an off-shoulder or boat neck top to show your clavicles
  • Always opt for trousers that can show your ankles (that can make you look taller too!)
  • Try a bodycon midi dress for a low-key sexy yet classy outlook

There are countless subtle yet elegant ways to accentuate our womanly features so let’s get creative and explore them!

how to look feminine shaved head
Source: Daily Mail

Don’t hunch your back to hide your sisters anymore, we should always embrace our body and express it with pride!


Last but not least, let’s not forget the textures of clothes can level up your femininity as well.

Despite cotton, here are some elegant fabrics you can wear for summer and winter to enrich your outlook.

Fabrics for summer:

  • Silk/ Satin: Shiny fabric with a crepe-like feature
  • Chiffon: Another elegant fabric made from silk and other synthetic fibers
  • Lace: The lace dress screams elegance and confidence in my eyes!

Fabrics for winter:

  • Tweed: A rough woolen fabric that is relatively thick (A tweed dress can always hide my tummy!)
  • Wool: With natural fiber, a thin wool cardigan can be warmer than a baggy polyester coat a lot! ( Wear smart ladies!)
  • Cashmere: Cashmere is super soft and again, keeps you warm in winter!

Feminine designs:

  • Ruffles
  • Ribbons
  • Wear floral prints

I know this sounds so basic but the fact is most of us just being lazy about the fabric and designs of the clothes.

It’s time to be intentional about the materials and step up our styling game to look classy and put together!


So ladies, here are the 8 tips on how to dress with a shaved or bald head and still maintain feminine energy!

Let’s have a quick checklist first.

  • Play with your makeup to accentuate your feminine features
  • Wear earrings to highlight your face
  • Consider wearing glasses if you don’t have makeup on
  • Wear headwraps or headscarves to style your bald head
  • Wear a hat for both styling and practical purposes
  • Wear clothes with light and low saturation colors
  • Wear clothes that show your feminine silhouette
  • Level up your femininity with different textures of clothes

That’s a long read but I hope these 8 tips help! Despite all the tips and tricks, let’s not forget smile is always our best makeup.

While it’s cliche, let’s not forget we are all beautiful in our own way and hair is just a tiny part of us.

If you keep your head up and truly love yourself, you will realize you look ridiculously captivating just the way you are!



By the way, if you are interested in classy styling, here are some articles that you may be interested in! See you there!

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