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🖤How to look classy with tattoos? DO nothing before these 5 tips!

🖤How to look classy with tattoos? DO nothing before these 5 tips!

How to look classy with tattoos?

Well, while you may need to pay extra effort, it’s definitely achievable to look elegant with tattoos!

It’s true that even these days, many people may still think tattoos look trashy and not elegant.

But at the end of the day, there are many factors that determine whether your tattoos are classy or not.

Let’s not forget some of the classy women like Angelina Jolie and Selena Gomez, they have tattoos as well but still look stunning and polished!

Here are the 5 tips to look classy with tattoos, enjoy!

1. Beware of the meaning your tattoos convey

How to look classy with tattoos

Let’s start with the basics, the meaning of your tattoos.

People get tattoos for different reasons.

Some want to look like a cool kid, some want to remind his/her life quote and religion, some want to honor a loved one who has passed away and for me, I want to use tattoos as a little decoration.

The message of your tattoos really matters tremendously.

After all, just like makeup, hairstyle, and outfit, the tattoo is another kind of explicit way to express your beliefs, values, and personality.

As the saying goes, dress like you want to be addressed.

If you want to look classy, then perhaps you should reconsider that skull or naked girl tattoo.

Always remember, tattoos are something that follows you the whole lifetime, make sure those tattoos are meaningful enough to empower you instead of making you feel insecure after 5 years!

I personally think the life quote tattoos, religious tattoos, and family tattoos are really classy and elegant, they stand for strength, love and so much more!

2. Always look for a timeless classy design for your tattoos

Being classy is about being timeless and classic. As Karl Lagerfeld once said, “Trendy is the last stage before tacky.”

When it comes to your tattoos, make sure the design is always a timeless piece instead of a trendy piece.

Not kidding but I saw people doing some food tattoos (like our beloved avocados and cheese) on their front arms, seriously?

It may look cute in your 20s but when you are 50 and you look at the food tattoos, you may want to get rid of that.

Also, when it comes to classy design, typography does play a huge role as well.

Instead of choosing some Instagram trendy fonts, I do think the classic script fonts will be a classic design that makes things look more polished.

Last but not least, always go for simple lowkey designs.

You don’t want to make the tattoos too big and too colorful that people shift their attention to the tattoos instead of you during the first met.

Having a tattoo can also be private and lowkey instead of trying too hard.

An overwhelming tattoo, it makes people think you validate your value by showing the tattoos even if that’s not your intention.

So ladies and gentlemen, stay lowkey with your classy tattoos without trying too hard and that makes people intrigue even more!

3. Pay attention to the placement of tattoos

Alright, you choose a nice design tattoo with meaning and now it’s time to pick the placements!

Of course, there’s no right or wrong when it comes to the placement of the tattoos.

It really depends from person to person, including your occupation.

While tattoos at work are not a big issue, some tattoo stereotypes still exist. It’s always a good choice to place your tattoo in some less obvious spot to make things easier, like the inner arms, rib cage, waist, and shoulder back so you can always hide your tattoo when you want to.

Trust me, you will love this flexibility!

I don’t think the face is a good placement even for simple elegant tattoos, this is a little bit too obvious and people will stare at your tattoos instead of looking at you in the eyes.

You just don’t need this distraction in long term.

4. Wear an elegant outfit that flatters your tattoos

How to look classy with tattoos

If you have a simple small tattoo in the upper arms, you don’t really have any restrictions when it comes to your outfits.

However, if you have large tattoos with colors, you may want to pay extra attention to the outfit including the colors.

For example, if your tattoo is green, wearing a pink dress may not be the best idea.

Here are some of the color combination that doesn’t go well with each other:

  • Red and green
  • Green and pink
  • Green and orange
  • Purple and yellow
  • Red and orange

Being classy is about being intentional about the details. Always go for low saturation (Choose emerald green instead of bright green) and classic color, this can give you a softer look that can balance out the strong vibes of the tattoos.

Also, picking an outfit that flatters your tattoos doesn’t mean you have to wear revealing!

Some people want to show off their tattoos on the chest so they always dress in a low V cut, while this is totally understandable, it’s not classy if you dress too revealing.

Here’s one simple old rule: If you want to show your chest, don’t show your leg, and vice versa!

After all, looking classy is about taking a balance in everything, this makes you look more put together!

This is so random… BUT

hey ladies, why not quickly do an affirmation and feel instantly better?

This new year, I’m trying not only to share fashion tips but come up with ways to instill body positivity in all women who are reading my articles – aka YOU!

Instead of just reading it, say it loud or murmur the quotes (if you are in public) to maximize the effect.

Ready? Here we go.

I love my body. She is my forever home and sanctuary.

Sassy isn’t a shape, it’s an attitude.

Work out because I love my body – not because I hate it.

I can love myself and change my body at the same time. No guilt about that.

It is completely normal to have tummy rolls. I come to realize that social media isn’t showing the reality… at all.

My happiest moments in life had nothing to do with the way my body looked.

I don’t have to be pretty like her, I can be pretty like …ME.

I AM perfect imperfection.

What are your thoughts on that? I hope that makes you feel better (as you deserved).

Please help me pass the body positivity message in your community. #womenhelpwomen

Alright, now keep on reading!

5. Take good care of your tattoo

Let’s not forget the basics, take good care of your tattoo, and make sure they are in good condition over time!

We all know that there is some life quotes tattoo that looks truly stunning and elegant, but 5 years later, all the words are blurred and all you are left is a mysterious dark spot on your shoulder and back that looks like dirt.

Well, that’s not classy at all!

If you are dedicated to having a tattoo, always do thorough research and look for a tattoo artist that delivers high-quality work.

Avoid friction and sunlight so as to keep your tattoo in nice condition.

Well, it’s not easy, but you will be proud when your tattoo looks decent after a decade!

In case still don’t have any SPF and tattoo care cream to keep it in good shape, below are my 4 handpicks!

That really makes a HUGE difference in the long term.

( ´ ▽ ` )ノ MY APRIL PICKS !! ʕ•̬͡•ʔ

(Continue scrolling for the article!)

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This YSL clutch screams the IT girl vibes. The best part? The price is *so forgiving*
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Obviously, this pheromone perfume (Amazon bestseller) is for the ladies who wanna spice things up (Got you gal!)
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Get a FENTY BEAUTY contour stick on Sephora ♡ (REAL inclusivity brand)
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Get this YSL mini shoulder bag on Net-A-porter


When it comes to tattoos, it’s a double-edged sword.

With the wrong choice and wrong placements, it can look trashy in some people’s eyes while if you pick a tattoo with true meaning, it can make you even classier!

But still, at the end of the day, being classy is a combination of personalities, mindset, and appearance traits.

If you have an elegant tattoo but treat people badly, well, you can’t really blame the tattoo!

So let’s have a quick sum-up, here are the 5 tips to look classy and elegant with tattoos!

  • Beware of the meaning your tattoos convey
  • Always look for a timeless design for your tattoos
  • Pay attention to the placements of tattoos
  • Wear an outfit that flatters your tattoos
  • Take good care of your tattoo

So my last genuine advice is to go with your heart! May your tattoo empower you and makes you shine!

Looking for more styling tips? Check out the other popular articles! See you there loves!

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