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Feel ugly & worthless? This is my 10 ways that successfully kill this thought

Feel ugly & worthless? This is my 10 ways that successfully kill this thought

Feel ugly and worthless? Sis (or gents), you are not alone.

I feel you deeply because I’ve been there as well, and I believe many girls do.

You are insecure about your face, and your body, and sometimes you don’t even want to make eye contact with others.

On your worst days, you don’t want to look in the mirror and let alone take selfies with your friends.

i am fat and ugly and i hate myself

You criticize yourself so much to the point that you think you are worthless.

When you try to open up about how you feel about others, some people just say “Tough it up”.

Ouch, those three words hurt…

That said, I am really proud of you – I mean, you are trying to help yourself out and read this post till now! (Give you a virtual hug).

Ahead, I’ve gathered 10 ways that I’ve all tried and successfully helped me get out of the “Feeling ugly and worthless” state – I genuinely hope that helps!

In this article, my approach is (1) to offer practical tips to ACTUALLY look better & (2) to offer emotional tips to feel better so you don’t have to live in your “feeling ugly” illusion

1. Recognise you ARE NOT your thoughts

Please repeat after me: I am NOT ugly. I am just FEELING ugly.

What you feel isn’t equal to the reality.

What you think isn’t equal to the reality.

Let’s start from this realization sis.

Do you know who has also been feeling ugly? Tyra Banks, Bella Hadid, Kate Winslet and Winnie Harlow.


i am fat and ugly and i hate myself
Source: Pinterest

You are not what you think you are, but what you THINK, you ARE.

Brian Tracy

You’ve been adding an “ugly filter” when you see yourself the whole time, of course, you think you are UGLY!

You don’t have to believe every thought that comes across your mind.

2. Wear a peplum skirt to cover the belly

I am not delusional so I will offer some practical tips as well.

If you are a hyper-sensitive person like me, you tend to exaggerate things and feelings.

Things escalate really fast from “Bloated food baby” to “I feel so ugly and fat” to “I feel worthless”.

It’s like an endless spiral.

But guess what, we can actually work on that!

Instead of wearing clothes that make you feel insecure, look for dresses that make you feel “safe”.

i feel ugly and insecure
Get this peplum dress on Amazon

I don’t know about you but whenever I have a bloated belly, I love wearing a peplum dress.

Featuring the extra stripe of fabric gathered around the wrist, it just camouflages the midsection and fakes a perfect hourglass figure.


3. Try some new things to boost your mood

When you are feeling ugly and worthless, you are on the verge of depression and you definitely want to try out all the ways to improve your mental health.

When you are in a good mood, your self-image will change as well – they are definitely interlinked.

The easiest way is to try new things, it just gives you a dopamine hit and can help our brains create new neural pathways.

I feel ugly what should I do
Source: Pinterest

From something big like trying a new hobby to going back home on a different route, all these things add up and make a difference.

If you want to know more about the science behind it, feel free to check out an article I found on the internet.

I personally suggest trying out Zumba dance!

It’s ridiculously fun and helps you lose some weight at the same time – you just can’t go wrong.

The truth is, there are many girls feeling exactly what you feel right now – ugly and worthless…

If you think these tips work, please kindly spread the love and pin it on Pinterest/ share so more girls like you can come across these tips.

Thanks love … 🥹🥹🥹

4. The Power of Dopamine Dressing: How Your Clothes Can Boost Your Mood

The truth is, the color you are wearing affects your mood more than you can ever imagine.

If you are wearing all-black all day long, honey, that’s not a good sign.

I feel ugly what to do

This Lily Pulitzer dress shows my belly but guess what, my mood feels like a 10/10.

Here’s how dopamine dressing aka color explosion works:

Studies conclude that wearing bright colors like emerald green, sunshine yellow, or fiery orange can trigger dopamine release, leading to feelings of joy and optimism.

You can find the whole article here: How Your Clothes Can Boost Your Mood

You don’t have to believe in me but you should believe in science!

I feel ugly what to do

Green is my mood-boosting color.

What about you? It’s time to find your own!

When you are depressed, doing full makeup and bold red lips will make you feel better, isn’t it?

It’s the same as wearing bright tones!

More often than not, people who wear bright colors usually be viewed as someone confident – so people might subconsciously treat you differently as well.

5. Praise other people beautiful

That works every time – just try it out before you think it’s cliche.

Do you want to receive compliments from others? If yes then please be the PRAISE GIVER.

Happiness researcher Shawn Achor has made a name for himself studying the many facets of happiness.

His research has uncovered a startling connection between praise and happiness:

The more praise you give, the happier you feel.

praise people beautiful
Source: Pinterest

That’s right: as nice as it feels to receive a compliment, your happiness gets an even bigger boost when you praise others.

It is pretty insane right?

Full article/ source : Giving Praise Is a Proven Way to Increase Your Happiness

And guess what, when you praise other opinions, your mind will somehow nurture more self-compassion and you won’t feel you are ugly.

From psychology, it’s mirroring.

Guess what honey, you don’t have to be pretty like her…

You can be pretty like YOU.

6. Wear perfume to change your vibes

wear perfume to feel beautiful
Source: Pinterest

“A woman should wear perfume wherever she wants to be kissed”

Coco Chanel

Perfume is not just a scent, it’s a personal statement that impacts how you feel and how others perceive you.

The right perfume can boost your confidence, make you feel happier, and even reduce your stress.

Full article: The Psychology Behind Perfume

musk perfume
Musk perfume is my forever love.

Check out the purchase link on my LTK – Follow me sis! 💓💓💓

6. Serotonin for mood support

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional of any kind, I’m sure here to share my personal experience.

As a highly sensitive person, I tried out all kinds of mood support supplements and this is below just stand out.

serotonin mood support
Check out BRAIN MD SEROTONIN mood support on Amazon

As everyone has a different brain what works for me might not work for you so still, hope that’s helpful!

Also, consume fish oil for Omega 3 – that promotes brain health as well.

Again, when you are in a good mood, your perception towards everything shifts – it is just THAT simple.

You’re not ugly, it’s the beliefs that you have about yourself that you are ugly.

7. Remove toxic people & social media

As the saying goes, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

If you are surrounded by people who are also insecure about themselves, jealous of others, and always see the bad in everything, guess who will you become?

For your well-being, no more toxic friends and partners, please.

And of course, limit your Instagram scroll time and stop comparing yourself with all the Instagram models.

don't compare yourself with others
Source: Pinterest

Let’s not the photos aren’t real and some of them probably also struggle with self-image.

Comparison is the thief of joy.

Theodore Roosevelt

8. Learn outfit & makeup hacks

Feel ugly?

Well, let’s get practical and start dressing up and doing makeup better.

Here’s my no-BS approach to look good, please read these two posts before saying “I tried all, it’s useless…”

Don’t be a crybaby sis.

learn outfit and makeup hacks
Source: Pinterest

No one is gonna help us, only we can help ourselves.


9. Write down all your thoughts

When you feel ugly and worthless – it is a heavy sense of hopelessness and that can be dangerous if you don’t address it in the long term.

I suggest you write down your thoughts and instantly you will feel a sense of relief.

Label your emotions on paper can make you feel less overwhelmed and give you some inner peace.

When you try it out, you will realize you actually have control over your thoughts!

Source: The power of putting your feelings down on paper

“You can’t just change who you are on the outside and expect it to change who you are in the inside.”

Jessica Sorenson

10. Listen to happy music

That’s pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it?

I literally can’t survive without my AirPod when I’m out.

That’s my recent favourite – Tik Tok songs are actually kind of good LOL!!


So there you go – the 10 ways if you feel ugly and worthless and insecure.

What are your thoughts on that? I hope you have an action plan now and don’t forget to read those two styling posts!


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