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*2024* How to wear a fur coat with a dress? 18 styling combos!

*2024* How to wear a fur coat with a dress? 18 styling combos!

When it comes to faux fur coats, I have such a love-hate relationship with them.

It looks luxurious and classy like a diva, but if you don’t pay enough attention to your outfit styling, you can end up looking clumsy and over the top.

But does that mean we shouldn’t wear fur coats on cold days? Of course not!

The fur coat is absolutely stunning and it just adds instant glamour to boring winter outfits.

All we need to do is to pay attention to the details and you will be fine!

So ladies, here are the 6 tips when you wonder how to wear a fur coat with a dress in an effortlessly chic way, enjoy!

1. Wear a short fur coat for a more casual look

How to wear a fur coat with a dress?
Source: Pinterest (1,2,3)

If you are not used to wearing a faux fur coat, I will suggest you start with the short fur coat ( the coat that lands around your waist) first.

As most fur coats can certainly add bulk to your body, if that’s the long (or even floor length) fur coat, it can look too bulky if you style them with the dress.

I adore the short fur coat so much as this is such a nice balance! By showing the legs or neckline, you can still look glamorous without looking bulky!

Some girls worry if the fur coat will make them look ten years older.

Not to worry, if you choose the short simple design fur coat it is just perfectly fine and stylish!

2. Go monochrome for a polished classy look

Another no-brainer way to wear a fur coat is to adopt the tone-on-tone wearing for a more put-together look!

The monochrome effect is particularly useful when it comes to fur coats.

As fur coats will add bulk to our bodies, if you wear bright colors and clothes with big prints, it will just further exaggerate your body visually and make you look bigger.

Instead, wearing the monochrome allows you to look more united visually as there is just one color tone, that just naturally makes you look taller and thinner.

Plus, it’s so fun to match the different shades of the color tone together!

If you are wearing a dark brown fur coat, a lighter shade of brown like beige will be a nice choice as the light shade can always complement the dark brown fur coat and enrich your outfit.

When it comes to the fabric of your dress, I will suggest wearing light fabric so it can create a nice contrast with the coat.

My favorite is always the silk or satin dress – Trust me, you will feel like a goddess when you style them together!

3. Wear neutral colors for a versatile look

How to wear a fur coat with a dress?
Source: Pinterest (1,2)

No one can deny that a faux fur coat is extremely attention-grabbing when you walk down the street.

If you don’t want to look too over the top, you better avoid the high saturation colors like bright red, shocking pink, yellow, or more if you aren’t ready.

Instead, choose neutral colors and low saturation colors like beige, white, black, light purple, baby pink is always flattering!

These color choices, just makes your styling way easier and achieves a more versatile look!

A vivid example is you can easily look tacky if you style your bright red fur coat with a snake print dress.

However, if that’s a light purple fur coat, the softness of the color can seamlessly balance the cool animal prints without looking clumsy.

4. Wear a fitted dress if you want to wear a fur coat over the shoulder

How to wear a fur coat with a dress?
Source: Pinterest (1,2)

I love draping the fur coat over the shoulder for two reasons.

First, sometimes it’s warm to wear a fur coat all the time. Second, it just makes me feel like a girl boss!

As a petite girl, I personally love wearing a fitted dress if I want to drape the coat over my shoulder that day.

As the fur coat will already make my upper body look bigger, wearing a fitted dress will always balance the bulkiness and make you chic.

Plus, if you want a more feminine look when you are wearing a fur coat, the fitted dress can always allow you to show your body curves!

Pair with the over-knee boots or high heels and you are good to go, girl!

5. Wear the coat with fur trims instead of the whole fur coat

How to wear a fur coat with a dress?
Source: Pinterest (1) & Relieffe

If you think the full fur coat is too dressy for you, you can always choose the coat with fur trims and a fur collar instead!

I have both a faux fur coat and the coat with fur trim, not gonna lie, I just unconsciously wear the latter more as it is less dressy for more occasions.

While the fur coat is absolutely stunning, it can be “too edgy” for daily wear during winter.

If you want a lower cost per wear (CPW), the coat with fur trims can be a better choice.

I am truly obsessed with the fluffy fur sleeve, this is just so cute!

6. Go for a fur vest for a chic edgy look

How to wear a fur coat with a dress?
Source: Pinterest (1,2)

Last but not least, let’s not forget fur vest is a perfect alternative to a fur coat as well.

If you still want the glamour of a fur coat but don’t want to look too attention-drawing, let’s try out the fur vest!

I love the fact that it won’t add bulk to the shoulder area and this is so perfect for the one-piece dress.

The simple black turtleneck one-piece dress just looks like a high fashion piece when you top a fur coat over the body!

So yes, the fur vest basically brings out sophistication and elegance without making you feel too overwhelmed!


So ladies, here are the 6 ways if you wonder how to wear a fur coat with a dress! Let’s have a quick checklist first.

  • Wear a short fur coat for a more casual look
  • Go monochrome for a polished classy look
  • Wear neutral colors for a versatile look
  • Wear a fitted dress if you want to wear a fur coat over the shoulder
  • Wear the coat with fur trims instead of the whole fur coat
  • Go for a fur vest for a chic edgy look

Well, I guess you now don’t have an excuse not to wear your fur coats! It’s true that fur coats can be a little bit tricky to handle, but the glamour of it is truly one of a kind.

When you took a picture in front of the mirror and you will know it’s all worth it!

If you are interested in other styling tips, make sure you read the article below! See you there loves!

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