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15 wordings & appearance signs that you’re average looking +1 sexual tool!

15 wordings & appearance signs that you’re average looking +1 sexual tool!

Ladies, have you ever wondered what are the signs that you’re average-looking or not?

I don’t know about you but when I was a sweet 16 back then, this is the question I think about ALL DAY LONG.

sign you are average looking
Source: Pinterest

Yup, you guessed it, I am one of the invisible girls that no one remembers my name in class.

While it’s painful to find out the truth but I really want to know the answer.

So yes, I’ve gathered 15 plain-looking signs from my personal experience and also different sources from friends, forums, and TikTok.

If you are ready, take it with a pinch of salt and keep on reading!

Update: Also stay tuned for the sexual tool to look more attractive in the end, stay tuned!

1. “You are ACTUALLY beautiful!”

Aww.. thanks!

Wait… what is “ACTUALLY” supposed to mean? Oh get it, I am not the “DAMN, LOOK AT THIS GIRL” type at the first sight but the “Alright, this girl ain’t look that bad after knowing her for a while” type.


2. “You are beautiful in your own way!”

This is just another way to say that you are not the conventional beauty.


3. The guys will ask you to put them on with your pretty friends

signs you are average looking

This just can’t be more obvious. I experienced that A LOT in high school.

4. People just forget your name easily

“Hey, Anna!”

“Oh ahaha do you mean Hannah?”


People will remember the ugliest and the prettiest, but not the mediocre ones.

5. How people compliment you…

They may say “I love your dress!”, ” You look like a CEO in the future”, “You are so kind” blah blah blah instead of “You’re stunning tonight” or simply ” YOU ARE PRETTY”.

6. Strangers won’t hold doors for you

Not all strangers are assholes but you will come across that from time to time…

7. Your dates don’t pay enough effort to chase you

Average looking girl problem

If you are his dream girl, your first date should deserve more than “KFC Fried chicken” date night or “Netflix and chill” night.

The guys will deny that but this is the truth. Of course, these are just two examples, but I’m sure you can tell he is not going ALL IN.

8. Your LIKES soared when you post your girl gangs

Your selfie – 56 likes

You are your beautiful besties Sophie and Mavis – 156 likes.

9. You are insecure without your makeup on

Where are my eyeliners and concealer? QUICK!

10. A guy acts so naturally with you

signs you are not good looking

Well, probably too natural.

When a girl is pretty, a shy guy can act really awkwardly in front of her. You know… the sweating and LOL at *everything*.

11. People won’t be too surprised if you say you’re single

“Seriously?! How come YOU don’t have a boyfriend?”

When you are in your mid-20s, you can tell a person to say this line genuinely or just be polite.

That fake shocking face is to die for.

12. Your boyfriend is secure with you

Not really jealous when you say you have a bunch of male friends.

“Enjoy your time with Sam and Tom bae!” He said. There’s just nothing he has to worry about.

13. Guys won’t talk to you for anything other than what is necessary

They just won’t.

14. People tell you to have a “girl next door” face

or look really “approachable”…

15. You have boys chasing you

but not the typical HOT GUYS with the whole package

signs you are average looking
Bye bye muscles!

16. People think you are the smart girl at first sight


Should I be happy that I don’t have to prove my intelligence like the pretty bitches?

17. You don’t really have those “pretty privileges”

Guess what, above-average looking people actually get a job easier. This is so unfair.

18. Kids won’t say you are pretty

I was afraid of kids when I was a teenager because I know they just won’t tell lies.

average looking person

I still remember my nephew said, “I love you not because you are pretty, but because you buy me toys”.


This just hurt me so bad…

This is so random… BUT

hey ladies, why not quickly do an affirmation and feel instantly better?

This new year, I’m trying not only to share fashion tips but come up with ways to instill body positivity in all women who are reading my articles – aka YOU!

Instead of just reading it, say it loud or murmur the quotes (if you are in public) to maximize the effect.

Ready? Here we go.

I love my body. She is my forever home and sanctuary.

Sassy isn’t a shape, it’s an attitude.

Work out because I love my body – not because I hate it.

I can love myself and change my body at the same time. No guilt about that.

It is completely normal to have tummy rolls. I come to realize that social media isn’t showing the reality… at all.

My happiest moments in life had nothing to do with the way my body looked.

I don’t have to be pretty like her, I can be pretty like …ME.

I AM perfect imperfection.

What are your thoughts on that? I hope that makes you feel better (as you deserved).

Please help me pass the body positivity message in your community. #womenhelpwomen

Alright, now keep on reading!

19. Can an average-looking person become beautiful?

Alright, let’s address the question we ALL have: Can an average-looking person become attractive?


In case you need my quick glow-up list, below are the makeup hacks and other tips that truly work. Enjoy!

  • Nurture your energy other than looks (For me, I love being feminine)
  • Get Pheromone Infused Perfume to boost sexual desire (In case this is your goal)
    • Mind you, that is based on science &B past experience <- My dating life GOD
  • Keep improving instead of stopping self-pitying yourself (Glow up challenge really works!)

And when it comes to a pretty face, it’s actually talking about how feminine your face looks as a whole. (Disclaimer: This is just my long-term observation, I am not saying this is the rule at all)

If you want to implement those makeup hacks, definitely check out my popular article down below!

( ´ ▽ ` )ノ MY APRIL PICKS !! ʕ•̬͡•ʔ

(Continue scrolling for the article!)

ysl clutch
This YSL clutch screams the IT girl vibes. The best part? The price is *so forgiving*
pheromone perfume
Obviously, this pheromone perfume (Amazon bestseller) is for the ladies who wanna spice things up (Got you gal!)
black girl dark skin makeup
Get a FENTY BEAUTY contour stick on Sephora ♡ (REAL inclusivity brand)
ysl mini shoulder bag
Get this YSL mini shoulder bag on Net-A-porter


So ladies, here are the 15 signs that you’re average-looking. What are your thoughts? I hope that you find this both helpful and entertaining!

In the past, I will never admit I am a plain Jane out there because I was don’t accept the way I look.

But as I grew older, my perspective just changed and it feels so freeing to embrace myself.

People always mix up beautiful and pretty. Mind you, there’s a HUGE difference between them.

I am not pretty but I can now shamelessly say I look beautiful and I can tell people find me attractive as well! So don’t give up ladies.

For more, below are some of my reads for looking feminine (only if that’s your thing):

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